How to edit a PDF file?
- Visit our Free Online PDF Editor on
- Drop your PDF file in the uploader below or click the button to upload!
- Our chromePDF Online Editor will start automatically after upload is completed.
- Select the function you need on the left menu to do your edits on the pages.
- Draw boxes, rectangles, lines, write a text, mark text passages
- Rotate all pages in the pdf
- Delete and erase any area
- Draw with a pencil, for example to sign the document
- Use modify to change your edits, for example position, color or linewidth
- On the buttons on the top of every page you can do futher more operations.
- Rotate, delete or extract any single page
- Sort the order of the pages
- Save and download the edited pdf file to your PC.
- After download is finished, you can can remove your pdf file from our server by your own.
So you can remove your tracks from the cloud.

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